

Mayor: Tiago Amaral


- Founded in 1934;

- Almost 580.000 inhabitants;

- Reference in Education, Healthcare, Technology, Agribusiness, Commerce;

- Favorable Strategic Location: North of Paraná State / South of Brazil;

- The 2nd main city of Paraná;

- The 4th main city of south of Brazil;

- 60 minutes flight from São Paulo;

- Londrina hosts the biggest Agribusiness, Pecuary and Industrial Fair of Latin America, every year in April;

- Institutional Video in English:


Londrina' Sister Cities:
Bilbao - Spain
Concepción - Paraguay
Foz do Iguaçu - Brazil
Guimarães - Portugal
Heyuan - China
León - Nicaragua
Modena - Italy
Nago - Japan
Nishinomiya - Japan
Nitoukou - Cameroon


Get in touch: 

Government Secretariat

Director of Governance and International Relations

Mrs. Liz Rodrigues

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Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. 

+55 43 3372-4031


